Posted by: Stephen Connelly | February 18, 2024

The State of the Nation

I last put finger to keypad on this blog back in 2020. It’s time for an update.

I’d like to be able to say we have weathered the storm of the pandemic and things are looking rosy. Alas, things haven’t got better, in fact they’ve got a whole lot worse under the stewardship of the worst Tory government I’ve witnessed in my lifetime.

The succession of failed Tory leaders since 2017

We have a cost of living crisis resulting in unprecedented energy costs where households are having to decide whether to eat or stay warm. We have an NHS with doctors striking and record waiting lists, GPs are struggling to meet their patients primary healthcare needs and we have a chronic shortage of Dentists. The sewage in our rivers and seas compromises our environmental health while the privatised companies charged with delivering our vital services gaslight us continuing to announce record profits for their shareholders. Local government, the engine of local service delivery, has been starved of resources consistently since 2010 and shock, horror is now having to make deep and damaging cuts. The result children with Special Educational Needs (SEND) cannot get the help they need.

Tory SCC SEND provision found wanting

Adult Social care is struggling to recruit staff and cannot afford to pay them a real living wage. Just ponder on that for a moment, the County Council cannot pay its staff enough to ensure they can afford to pay their bills.

We have seen 14 years of increasingly incompetent Tory government that has worked exclusively for the benefit of a handful of the super rich. Meanwhile the only growth we’ve seen is in the number of people forced to use food banks. All we hear from the unelected multimillionaire PM Rishi Sunak is the pie in the sky assertion that they’re sticking to the plan. The issue for people based on the planet is this hapless government’s plan hasn’t worked and shows no sign of working. What we need is a General Election and when do we need it? Now!

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